Talking Avatar
Build Preview
Request Headers
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Content-Type | true | string | Data Tranmission Type: multipart/form-data |
Request Attributes
1. Use Preset Voice
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
voice_id | true | string | ID of the voice list (voice_id is preferred) |
text | true | string | Text content |
2. Use Cloned Voice
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
lang | true | string | Language (Clone mode only supports English, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese) |
file | false | file | Original audio uploaded (priority is given to this field). There are two methods supported to upload audios. |
file_url | false | string | Original audio address. There are two methods supported to upload audios. |
text | true | string | Text content |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | int | 200 |
message | string | Task Remark |
data | obj | Task Object |
data.task_id | string | Task ID |
Request Attributes
1. Use Preset Voice
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header "accept: application/json" \
--header "content-type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
--form 'voice_id="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'text="Input your text here"' \
2. Use Cloned Voice
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header "accept: application/json" \
--header "content-type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
--form 'lang="en"' \
--form 'file="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'file_url=""' \
--form 'text="Input your text here"' \
Response Attributes
"code": 200,
"message": "ok",
"data": {
"task_id": "T2hzVGJ5dWhaSUxSSUJqSzZORUdpUT09"
Next you can query the task status and get the task data through the task/detail interface.
Generate Talking Photo Video
Request Headers
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Content-Type | true | string | Data Tranmission Type: multipart/form-data |
Request Attributes
1. Synthesizing Audio with Preset Voice
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
voice_id | true | string | ID of the voice list (voice_id is preferred) |
text | true | string | Text content |
type | true | int | 0:Preset voice |
avatar | false | file | Original avatar image uploaded (priority is given to this field). There are two methods supported to upload avatar images. Supported Format: JPG, PNG, JPEG, WebP |
avatar_url | false | string | Original avatar image uploaded. There are two methods supported to upload avatar image. Supported Format: JPG, PNG, JPEG, WebP |
2. Synthesizing Audio with Cloned Voice
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
text | true | string | Text content |
style | false | string | Emotion default normal |
lang | true | string | Text content |
avatar | false | file | Original avatar image uploaded (priority is given to this field). There are two methods supported to upload avatar images. Supported Format: JPG, PNG, JPEG, WebP |
avatar_url | false | string | Original avatar image uploaded. There are two methods supported to upload avatar image. Supported Format: JPG, PNG, JPEG, WebP |
type | true | int | 1:Cloned voice |
file | false | file | Original audio file uploaded (priority is given to this field). There are two methods supported to upload audio files. Supported Format: WAV,MP3,MP4,AAC,WebM Maximum 200M |
file_url | false | string | Original audio file uploaded. There are two methods supported to upload audio files. Supported Format: WAV ,MP3, MP4, AAC, WebM (Maximum 200M). |
3. Upload Audio Files Directly
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
avatar | false | file | Original avatar image uploaded (priority is given to this field). There are two methods supported to upload avatar images. Supported Format: JPG, PNG, JPEG, WebP |
avatar_url | false | string | Original avatar image uploaded. There are two methods supported to upload avatar image. Supported Format: JPG, PNG, JPEG, WebP |
type | true | int | 2:Upload audio |
file | false | file | Original audio file uploaded (priority is given to this field). There are two methods supported to upload audio files. Supported Format: WAV,MP3,MP4,AAC,WebM Maximum 200M |
file_url | false | string | Original audio file uploaded. There are two methods supported to upload audio files. Supported Format: WAV ,MP3, MP4, AAC, WebM (Maximum 200M). |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | int | 200 |
message | string | Task Remark |
data | obj | Task Object |
data.task_id | string | Task ID |
Request Attributes
1. Synthesizing Audio with Preset Voice
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header "accept: application/json" \
--header "content-type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
--form 'voice_id="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'text="Input your text here"' \
--form 'avatar="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'avatar_url=""' \
2. Synthesizing Audio with Cloned Voice
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header "accept: application/json" \
--header "content-type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
--form 'text="Input your text here"' \
--form 'lang="en"' \
--form 'avatar="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'avatar_url=""' \
--form 'type="Input your text here"' \
--form 'file="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'file_url=""' \
3. Upload Audio Files Directly
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header "accept: application/json" \
--header "content-type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
--form 'text="Input your text here"' \
--form 'lang="en"' \
--form 'avatar="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'avatar_url=""' \
--form 'type="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'file="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
--form 'file_url=""' \
Response Attributes
"code": 200,
"message": "",
"data": {
"id": 200080893,
"message": "",
"status": 0,
"additional_data": {
"key": "1328/asset/202412/204867612a0e51e4b2.55156474.mp4",
"url": "",
"video_720p": {
"key": "1328/asset/202412/204867612a0e51e4b2.55156474.mp4",
"url": "",
"video_size": 1072200,
"video_duration": 13.6
"video_size": 1072200,
"video_duration": 13.6
"user_id": 1328
Next you can query the task status and get the task data through the task/detail interface.
Get Official Voice List
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
voices | array | List of voices. |
voices.voice_id | string | Unique identifier for the voice. | | string | Name of the voice. |
voices.country_name | string | Name of the country, |
voices.country_icon_url | string | URL for the country icon. |
voices.preview_audio_url | string | URL for the voice preview. |
voices.gender | string | Gender associated with the voice: male, female, unknown. |
voices.language | string | Language of the voice. |
voices.style_list | array | Available emotions list. |
voices.words_per_minute | string | Task ID |
Response Attributes
"code": 200,
"message": "ok",
"data": {
"voices": [
"voice_id": "M084TEhqTlFkdE8wRUxvRXFoVWlRdz09",
"name": "es-ES-Neural2-A",
"country_name": "Spanish(ES)",
"country_icon_url": "",
"preview_audio_url": "",
"gender": "female",
"language": "es",
"style_list": [
"words_per_minute": null
"voice_id": "Rm5wL2NLWjY4SGlqSVFMLzF5WXFJUT09",
"name": "Celeste",
"country_name": "French(FR)",
"country_icon_url": "",
"preview_audio_url": "",
"gender": "female",
"language": "fr",
"style_list": [
"words_per_minute": "155"
Access to Task Detail
Request Attributes
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
id | true | string | Task ID |
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int | Task ID |
message | int | Information of task. |
status | int | The current status of the task -1: not executed; -2: in execution. |
additional_data | json | Generate results; see details below. |
Request Attributes
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header "accept: application/json" \
--header "content-type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
--form 'id="YmUxSTFBcVA1V1A3N2Y3L2hxMHhGQT09"' \
Response Attributes
"code": 200,
"message": "ok",
"data": {
"id": 106927142,
"message": "",
"status": 0,
"additional_data": {}
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
img_key | string | Key of generate file |
img_url | string | URL for the generate file. |
"additional_data": [
"img_key": "temporary/20241217/1328/1734417109904-a9c51522-05d1-afbf-20ab-a2b14489075c.png",
"img_url": ""
"img_key": "temporary/20241217/1328/1734417112762-1ed846fb-5984-b695-a32b-454e74034a5a.png",
"img_url": ""
2.Talking Photo Preview
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | int | Size of generate video. |
url | float | Length of generate video. |
subtitles | bool | Subtitled or not |
audio_size | string | Size of generate audio. |
audio_duration | float | Duration of generate audio. |
"additional_data": {
"key": "1328/asset/202412/778367614047027e53.54679129.wav",
"url": "",
"subtitles": null,
"audio_size": 1177662,
"audio_duration": 13.351519
3.Generate Videos
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | Key of generate video. |
url | string | URL of generate video. |
video_720p | obj | Generated 720p video info, or null if there is no video of that definition. |
video_720p.key | string | Generated 720p video info key. |
video_720p.url | string | Generated 720p video info URL. |
video_720p.video_size | int | Generated 720p video info size. |
video_720p.video_duration | float | Generated 720p video info duration. |
video_size | int | Generated video info size. |
video_duration | float | Generated video info duration. |
"key": "1328/asset/202412/945567613c44999c14.58089446.mp4",
"url": "",
"video_720p": {
"key": "1328/asset/202412/945567613c44999c14.58089446.mp4",
"url": "",
"video_size": 1146957,
"video_duration": 15.84
"video_size": 1146957,
"video_duration": 15.84
4.text to image
Response Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
images | array | Array of generate image. |
image_key | string | Key of generate image. |
image_url | string | URL of generate image. |
image_size | int | Size of generate image. |
"images": [
"image_key": "2828/asset/202412/200081156_image_0.jpg",
"image_url": "",
"image_size": 26724
"image_key": "2828/asset/202412/200081156_image_1.jpg",
"image_url": "",
"image_size": 26724
"image_key": "2828/asset/202412/200081156_image_2.jpg",
"image_url": "",
"image_size": 26831
"image_key": "2828/asset/202412/200081156_image_3.jpg",
"image_url": "",
"image_size": 26831